I had planned to be a houseplant today. Stay indoors, avoid the moody weather, people, and be successful at being unproductive. But when I got the invite to make Wangari Maathai’s spirit proud, I joined the HUGs green belt movement today.

There was a tree planting activity in Ruiru. Ruiru is an extension of Nairobi but with a rural charming touch. Not too slow and not too fast-paced. The weather was perfect for the trees we planted in 4 schools.I suspect you’re asking, “Why didn’t they do this on 13th November?” Hatupang’wing’wi 😎

With our clothes, shoes, tools, and hands soiled in the end, we felt one with Mother Nature. Afforestation is like placing a healing band on a planet that’s severely bruised. Similarly, therapy is like placing your ravaged heart and mind in the healing skills of a psychologist. Don’t be fearful, reach out for support.

Fun fact:
The HUGs logo is green because green represents growth, health, and blossoming.

Wanjiru Njeri
Wanjiru Njeri

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