Yesterday I kept thinking of the girl who would go down to the river with other little girls to eat a specific weed while crossing the river 5 times, remove her clothes with the rest of the girls and then circle a mugumo tree 5 times. This was done so that we could morph into boys. Years later with our bodies unchanged and having settled into our bodies and realities Beyoncé came along with ‘If I were a boy, even just for a day…’ Remember that one? And that ache to be a boy was re-born. But she seemed to be as confused as we were because then there was Diva and run the world…..


Yesterday, the year’s theme for the International Men’s Day was zero male suicide. Where an entire Saturday is dedicated to #masculinitysaturday on X, you might think that famous male figures like Amerix, Kibe, Burale, Zulu and the rest would have exhausted everything to have the men in check.

But now more than ever, men need to know that they are ‘human’ too, see what I did? Repressing emotions in the name of being stoic is only increasing the statistics. Second lady, Dorcas Rigathi is trying to share some of the girl empowerment with the boys. Truly, the modern boy and man are endangered.

This is the month most boys will go through the rite of circumcision. The transition from boyhood to manhood amidst all the virtual male influencers and information available is useless when they lack role models they can directly emulate and ask questions. We can go on and on blaming the dead-beat dads or the single moms without solving this.

It cannot be a man’s world if most of them are suffering in silence. Because if more men keep sinking into alcoholism, depression and suicide, shall we then have to change our name to ‘’ (Feminists, please do not blow this innocent wordplay out of proportion).

For the next few days of this month, remember we have discussions focused only on the men that you can join in on.

Happy belated one guys. For being late, accept this song as an apology.

Pssst ladies, November is also Diabetes awareness month, refrain from calling your man or men: ‘sweetheart’.

Wanjiru Njeri
Wanjiru Njeri

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