Services that we provide

Professional Psychology Therapy & Counselling Service You Can Choose


Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is a group of therapeutic techniques that help people notice and change their negative thinking patterns


Addiction Counselling.

Addiction is a condition in which a person is unable to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior. Read on to learn more.


Personal Development.

It involves the growth and enhancement of all aspects of the person, the feelings the person has about himself or herself, and their effectiveness in living.


Child Therapy.

Child counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on young children, teens, and adolescents with one or more mental illnesses.


Relationship Counselling.

Relationship counseling (also known as couples counseling) is an effective form of talking therapy to improve communication and resolve issues within an intimate relationship.


Trauma counseling supports you in identifying and coming to terms with the feelings and emotions you may feel during and after a traumatic experience.


Supervision therapy

Supervision in counseling is when a counselor uses the service of another counselor/psychotherapist to review the way they work with their clients.


Mental health diagnosis typically involves a full evaluation including a physical exam.

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Common Questions

Therapy offers a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to talk about problems and anything that’s overwhelming you or even just making life a little tough. Your therapist listens to what you have to say and then works with you to develop a plan to confront challenges and achieve an improved quality of life.

Typically, a therapy session can run 40 to 60 minutes long but may run longer. Group therapy sessions can run around 90 minutes, while more intensive individual counseling sessions can go for two to three hours. The length of your therapy session depends on the type of mental health services you’re receiving.

Therapy has been found to be most productive when incorporated into a client’s lifestyle for approximately 12-16 sessions, most typically delivered in once weekly sessions for 45 minutes each. For most folks that turns out to be about 3-4 months of once weekly sessions.

Psychologists are ethically bound to protect your privacy regardless of what information you choose to share with others.If you have specific concerns about confidentiality or what information a psychologist is legally required to disclose, discuss it with your psychologist.

You can schedule/book an appointment with us either by sending us an email or calling any of our office numbers.

Your Therapist



Certified Psychologist, whose passion is bringing healing to people who’ve been through the traumatic-stressful experiences.


We provide community-based mental health care that encompasses a wide variety of programs and services designed to meet your needs.