About Us

HUGs is an organization formed in 2019 by a group of youths with a common goal of finding ways to overcome mental health problems through creating awareness on mental health and ultimately reducing the stigma, especially in young adults.

The main objective of the organization is to create awareness on mental illness and reduce stigma in adolescents and young adults. The organization focuses on mental health developmental/recovery trajectory through organizing workshops and outreach programs so as to share experiences, stories, truths; undertake education on mental illness; and help those with mental illnesses to know they are not alone. To date, HUGs has been able to benefit more than 839 clients who have received mental support from the organization. HUGs being a private company, control is divided among few individuals, in this case, the board, who are the main shareholders of the company as they fund the project activities.  HUGs main clientele is the adolescents and young adults who are faced with mental health problems and are supported through walk-ins and online platforms like online support groups and YouTube channel.

Our History

The origins of HUGs can be traced back to the early 2010s when the conversation around mental health began to gain traction globally. In many countries, mental health was still stigmatized, and people were hesitant to seek help or talk about their struggles. Mental health services were often unavailable or unaffordable, leaving many individuals to cope with their challenges alone.

Recognizing the need for change, a group of youths came together to form HUGs. They identified a gap in mental health support for young people and wanted to make a difference by creating an organization that could address these issues head-on. The founding members of HUGs were passionate about mental health advocacy and wanted to create a platform where young people could feel safe and supported in discussing their mental health challenges.

The organization began by hosting events and workshops to promote mental health awareness in the community. The events were aimed at educating people about mental health, reducing stigma associated with mental health challenges, and providing support to those who were struggling. Over time, HUGs began to establish partnerships with local mental health clinics and professionals, who provided support and guidance to the organization.

Today, HUGs is a thriving organization with a strong community of supporters and volunteers. The organization continues to promote mental health awareness, provide support to those who need it, and advocate for improved mental health services. HUGs has been successful in reducing the stigma associated with mental health challenges, and has helped many young people to seek the help and support they need to manage their mental health. With their ongoing efforts, HUGs is making a significant contribution to improving the well-being of young people worldwide.